Financially supporting the health, well-being and care of a child is the responsibility of every parent, and that responsibility does not cease to exist if the parents divorce or if the child was born out of wedlock. Virginia has specific guidelines that determine the amount of child support that should be paid.
There are many factors that can impact child support and the cases can become quite complex. Whether you are seeking child support or being ordered to pay it, be sure to consult an experienced family law
attorney to ensure that your rights are protected. At the Law Office of Stephen J. Kecskes, I have practiced family law in Virginia Beach since 1985. I have helped numerous clients reach child support agreements that serve the best interests of all involved.
Always Seeking A Favorable Outcome
Among the factors that come into play in determining child support are the gross income levels of both parents, the number of children involved, the amount of the health care premiums and the employment-related child care expenses for the children. In the case of a divorce, the actual child support amounts can deviate from the Virginia guidelines as part of a separation agreement
between the parents.
Some of my child support cases also involve paternity, modification
and enforcement issues. I am committed to helping my clients reach a favorable outcome in these cases. No matter which side of the issue you are on, I have the experience, the knowledge and the commitment to fight for your rights and work toward a fair settlement.
Contact Me To Schedule A Free Initial Consultation
Contact my office todayto discuss your case with a lawyer. I offer a free initial 30-minute consultation that I prefer to conduct at my Virginia Beach office. I am available during regular business hours by appointment.